Red Cards and Suspended Players

Player Red Cards

All red cards are processed and assessed a standard fine and game(s) suspension. Only violent/assault type red cards are reviewed by the D&R Committee to determine how many games and/or fines above the standard suspension.

Scroll down to find, review suspension and pay red card fine using the Pay link next to your name.

Suspended Players

Player Name

Team Name

Incident Date

Violation Type

# Games Suspended

Return to Play


Fine Assessed

Caesar Riveria



kick keeper after play





Jaime Hernandez



Rushed/hands on referee




Juan Lucio



Headbutt player after play




Disciplinary Rules RED CARDS

Red Cards: Any player issued a red card will be required to sit out the next game and will be issued a $25.00 fine. The fine must be paid in order for the player to return to the team to play. Cards are carried over from season to season if left unpaid. There is no appealing a one game suspension. The D&R committee, (Discipline and Rules Committee) will meet to review the referee’s report and decide on the fate of the player’s status at that time. All appeals must be made the following Wednesday at 6 p.m. by email to Notification of Red Cards: It is the responsibility of the player(s) and team(s) to contact the SUASL at office hours, or via telephone and or e-mail to find out about fines and game(s) suspension(s) for red card(s). The fine and game suspension report will be attached to the roster the following Sunday. All fines need to be paid at the S.U.A.S.L. office on Wednesday between 5- 7 p.m. before the game weekend. Any fines not paid on time will preclude player from playing in upcoming game. Cumulative Cards: Any player with four (4) yellow cards during a season will be treated like a red card and shall receive one (1) game suspension and a $25.00 fine. The fine must be paid to the league in order for the player to return to team play. Additional yellow cards may result in probation, suspension or expulsion. Any player with two red cards in a season must pay a $50.00 fine and may be expelled from the league, cases will be reviewed on an individual basis and the D&R Committee will use own judgment based on the severity of infractions. Minimum Standard Violations & Suspensions The following list documents the minimum disciplinary action resulting from the described behavior. Other circumstances including, but not limited to, prior disciplinary record, probationary status, severity of conduct, additional witness corroboration and disciplinary precedent will be used in determining if additional disciplinary action above and beyond the minimum will be levied. RED CARDS with one (1) game Suspension: A player will be suspended for one (1) mandatory game when sent off for one of the following offenses. Persistent dissent Persistent disruption of game Foul play Denying obvious goal scoring opportunities (per FIFA Law) Offensive, insulting, abusive language and inappropriate provocations Accumulated offenses resulting in accumulation of 2 yellow cards in the same game. No appeals will be heard in the above cases. RED CARDS – with multiple game/season suspension or expulsion: Serious foul play– (foul with no intent to play the ball) = 2 game suspension Serious foul play with injury– Minimum 4 games, possibly one season or possible expulsion, depending on the severity of the circumstances? Violent Conduct – All violent conduct offenses carry an automatic minimum 2 game suspension, with additional consequences pending D&R review and process –including expulsion depending on the level of aggravation. Spitting: 4 games min, possibly one season or possible expulsion, depending on the severity of the circumstances? Assault with injury- Throwing objects at an individual: 1 season min. possibly multiple seasons, or possible expulsion, depending on the severity of the circumstances? Assault– punching, elbowing, kicking, head butting or otherwise striking with violent intent on or off the field: 1 season min. Possibly multiple seasons or possible expulsion, depending on the severity of the circumstances? Team assault- more than one player assault on individuals or team brawl: 3 game min., possible expulsion Assaulting a league official: Banned from the league Disorderly Conduct Offensive, insulting, abusive language and insults in any language, including, but not limited to, profanity, pejoratives based on race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion: 2 game min. Refusing to leave the field: min. 2 games Persistent offensive behavior, threats and insulting language: minimum 2 games. Abuse of SUASL OFFICIAL’s, including referees, staff members or board members. Insulting toward a SUASL official: min. 2 games Threatening a SUASL official: min 3 games Assaulting or attempting to assault an official: Banned from the league 1 point deduction and play-off disqualification will apply to teams with more than one Violent Conduct Incident. SUASL’s rules and code of conduct exist not only on the field of play during a match, but on all league premises before, after and during games including sideline areas, parking lots, and other park facilities. If a breach of league rules and/or code of conduct take place outside of match play, SUASL’s incident report can be used to initiate an investigation and discipline may result. SUASL team’s and team managers are subject to disciplinary action for breach of the rules above by spectators on their sideline.

Scroll down to find, review suspension and pay red card fine using the Pay link next to your name.