Free Agent list
SUASL only registers teams and team players, not individual players. SUASL’s Free Agent program is set up to connect teams and players but does not guarantee that free agents will be contacted by a team. Players without a Team can enlist as a Free Agent using the form below, and SUASL will give your contact information to teams looking for players.
That means: If you have enlisted and have not heard from any team, that could indicate that teams have not requested players with your qualifications, or players in the division that you are requesting. It could also be that there is a long list of free agents and your name hasn’t been reached yet.
If have not been contacted and the season has started, we also recommend that you go out to the soccer fields and observe which teams in your requested division are playing short or have few subs. There is a good chance these teams need players but have not requested free agents. Or if you want to manage a team you can contact us before the next season starts and we can give you a list of free agents to form a new team.
If you have question about SUASL please contact us with your questions: Please do not send us an email saying that you enlisted as a free agent and have not been contacted by a team yet. If that is the case, we have passed on all the free agents requested by teams, and you should visit the fields on game days to get related to teams that might need you.
Thanks for your interest in SUASL.